204 straipsnių

Письмо, на основании которого российский телеканал RT заявил об угрозе закрытия своих счетов в британском банке NatWest, на самом деле было адресовано не самому каналу, а одному из его поставщиков, заявили Би-би-си в банке.

the Lithuania Tribune, LRT

Lithuania's economy could suffer a hit of up to 0.8% as the United Kingdom negotiates its divorce with the European Union, according to Lithuanian prime minister. To read this article, try a €5.99 monthly subscription by clicking here.

the Lithuania Tribune, LRT

Lithuanian Deputy Foreign Minister Mantvydas Bekešius is meeting the Lithuanian expat community in London to discuss Brexit vote results and the recent surge in attack against Eastern European migrants in the United Kingdom. To read this article, try a €5.99 monthly subscription by clicking here.

Justinas Markauskas

In three weeks, British citizens are voting on whether to remain in the European Union. The results of the referendum are hard to predict with any certainty, but one thing is clear - Brexit would be most painful for the United Kingdom itself and the country's economy. The situation of expat Lithuani...