Startup Lithuania

91 straipsnių

Виктория Хоцкявичюте

DELFI вместе с журналом Reitingai составили список самых богатых предпринимателей Литвы. Список показал, что пока среди старых компаний есть всего несколько новых. Однако, согласно предположениям, со временем появится все больше стартапов, выросших из бизнеса с оборотом до 1 млн.

Reading the title you must have thought: starting a business in a different country… Why would I? The most appropriate response, we feel, is simple: why wouldn’t you? "Startup Lithuania" shares 5 reasons why founding a startup in Lithuania is a good choice.

The Parliament of the Republic of Lithuania approved an amendment to the Law on Personal Income Tax submitted by the Ministry of the Economy and Innovation, which lays down more favourable conditions for option taxation – employees who have retained the shares of the company acquired through options...

In Lithuania, a GovTech Lab will soon become operational seeking to help address problems of the public sector by means of innovative solutions. The initiative of the Ministry of the Economy and Innovation will offer a possibility for start-ups to test their technology with the public sector and als...

Iš dalies melas
Melo detektorius
Sinkevičius: per metus startuolių skaičius išaugo 42 proc. ir pritraukė rekordinę investicijų sumą
Aistė Meidutė

Prieš prasidedant septintus metus iš eilės vykstančiai startuolių konferencijai „Startup Fair 2019“, Lietuvos Ekonomikos ir inovacijų ministras Virginijus Sinkevičius savo „Twitter“ paskyroje pasidžiaugė rekordiškai greitai kylančiu startuolių skaičiumi. DELFI nusprendė įsitikinti, ar toks džiaugsma...

From smart mattresses that help tracking and improving sleep quality to production of green energy - foreign start-ups with such innovative ideas are becoming increasingly bold in choosing Lithuania for the development of their business. During the first three months of this year alone 45 foreign na...

Ugnė Karaliūnaitė

Technology-led countries fight for the attention of prosperous startups in order to attract them to establish their headquarters of branches in their country. Lithuania is not an exception. Since 2017 when Lithuania introduced Startup visa, 20 startups chose Lithuania as their home and the number wi...