New Year

Forgot how to celebrate without harmful habits? 6 signs that may indicate your addiction

Many individuals do start the New Year feeling unwell, extremely tired and overwhelmed by negative emotions. While for many it may be tempting to attribute...

Starting the year with a long list of new goals? Beware of certain pitfalls

The so-called New Year ’s resolutions are popular among many people. To some, they are a great way of setting new goals or (re)discover their most secret...

The youth already know what to expect from the upcoming year: goals and wishes affected by wars and crises

The end of the year is a great time to reflect on your performance and evaluate personal changes. Sure, at this time setting new goals that may encourage you...

Agurkų sezonas: komunikacija baigėsi, susitiksime rudenį?

Vasara įsibėgėjo, „naminės“ atostogos galvoje, o komunikacijos fronte tuoj tuoj prasidės vakuumas. Šuns dienos, silly (paikas) laikas, lėtų...

Christmas and New Year’s Eve in Kaunas: concerts

Here are some of the most excellent events for you to enjoy.