
Is it true that Zelenska‘s Foundation is involved in child trafficking?

Kremlin propaganda portals and social media accounts are actively spreading news about the alleged involvement of a charity foundation by Ukraine ’s...

Did the UN Charter grant Russia the right to attack countries under the pretext of fighting Nazism?

Social media is replete with content attempting to justify Russia ’s unprovoked invasion of Ukraine . It is asserted that the United Nations (UN)...

Žudynių Maskvoje liudininkai: teroristai veikė ryžtingai ir koordinuotai turėjo dideles šaudmenų atsargas ir degaus skysčio (5)

Rusijos žiniasklaida skelbia, kad žudynes Maskvos koncertų salėje surengę teroristai buvo penki, su savimi jie turėjo didelį kiekį šaudmenų ir...

Attack on Volkov likely organised and carried out by Russia – intelligence agency

Lithuania’s State Security Department ( VSD ) believes that Tuesday’s attack on Russian citizen Leonid Volkov , former chairman of the...

Increased activity from Russian special services aims to polarize society

The Kremlin ’s aim is to polarize the society and create distrust in the country’s institutions, the national defence minister said Thursday in...