John McCain

48 straipsnių

Edwardas Lucas, Europos politikos analizės centro viceprezidentas ir britų savaitraščio „The Economist“ vyresnysis redaktorius

Bjauriuosi beveik viskuo, kas susiję su Donaldu Trumpu, ypač jo neskrupulingais ryšiais su Rusijos mafijos veikėjais. Nemanau, kad jis taps Respublikonų partijos kandidatu. Tačiau mudu sutariame dėl vieno dalyko: dabartinio pavidalo NATO negali ilgai išsilaikyti.

Rusija į Siriją atvyko ne kovoti su "Islamo valstybe", o paremti Damasko režimą ir prezidentą Basharą al-Assadą ir šie tikslai prieštarauja tarptautinės koalicijos, kovojančios su "Islamo valstybe" siekiams, teigia Prezidentės vyriausiasis patarėjas užsienio politikos klausimais Renaldas Vaisbrodas.


The Lithuania Tribune / EN.DELFI TV spoke to Kurt Volker, Executive Director of McCain Institute, Arizona State University. Senator McCain, after returning from Kiev, mentioned that Ukrainians are not asking for American “boots on the ground” but they are asking for military help to the Ukrainian ar...


Senator John McCain shared his impressions from his trip to Kiev at the GlobSec 2015 conference in Bratislava on 20 June. ‘We will be urging the President of the United states to respect the will of congress and the American people US Congress to provide defencive weapons to the people of Ukraine wh...

Marius Laurinavičius

A visit several weeks ago by Kurt Volker, former US ambassador to NATO and currently the head of the McCain Institute, would have gone unnoticed by the Lithuanian public, if it weren't for a few media interviews. And even if it was noticed, many must have thought it of little consequence.

Violeta Davoliūtė

Norman M. Naimark, professor at Stanford University, is one of the most authoritative experts on Central and Eastern Europe in the United States whose research interests include the region’s modern history, genocides and ethnic cleansings that happened here.

the Lithuania Tribune

Lithuania’s Honorary Consul J. Prunskis met with US Senators John McCain and Mark Kirk, Consul General of Ukraine Andriy Pravednyk, Consul General of Lithuania Marijus Gudynas, and Ukranian leaders to discuss the current situation in Ukraine, Lithuania, and Eastern Europe.