Global Lithuanian Leaders

62 straipsnių

Gruodžio 29 d. LR Prezidentūroje vyks ketvirtieji Globalios Lietuvos apdovanojimai. Apdovanojimų metu įtakingi šalies politikos, verslo, žiniasklaidos ir visuomenės atstovai pagerbs globalius lietuvių profesionalus ir su Lietuva save siejančius asmenis, kurie šiemet pripažinti labiausiai prisidėję p...

George East | the Lithuania Tribune

The Lithuanian Business and Professionals Club in Stockholm held its initial meeting on 9 May 2015 in the Swedish capital. All 22 Lithuanian members who agreed to establish the club via a Steering Group attended.

The ceremony of the Global Lithuanian Awards 2014 took place on 30 December. The Lifetime Achievement Award of Lithuania's Ministry of Foreign Affairs was given to the American Lithuanian organization Lithuanian Children's Hope, its long-time head Grazina Liautaud and President of the Los Angeles Li...

The Honorees of the Global Lithuanian Awards 2014 will be announced and awarded at the official ceremony in the Presidential Palace on the 30th of December, 2014. The event will be broadcast live from 4:00 PM on LRT television and the news portal DELFI.