
365 straipsnių

Министр иностранных дел Литвы Линас Линкявичюс отреагировал на открытие автомобильной части моста через Керченский пролив, разделяющий Россию и аннексированный ею украинский Крым. По его словам, построенные на основе агрессии мосты никуда не ведут. Министр также напомнил о позиции Литвы и Запада в ц...

Ministers of foreign affairs of Lithuania and seven other European countries said on the 4-year anniversary of annexation of Crimea that they would not allow the occupation of the peninsula disappear from the international agenda.

Mikko Waltari | the Lithuania Tribune

Edward Lucas, the former senior editor of the Economist, visited Vilnius on January 10th — once again, should we say. He lived in Lithuania in the Nineties and is such a frequent commentator and visitor in Lithuania that he even speaks the language a bit. His work has been revolving around Russia fo...