
Charms and superstitions of pagan Lithuanians

Lithuania remained pagan until the late Middle Ages and, as such, was an object of curiosity as well as hostility for Christian Europe. Paganism, wrote...

The Battle of Durbė: How medieval Samogitians defied the will of their king

The Battle of Durbė, in which rebelling Samogitians beat the Livonian Order in 1260, is undeservedly overshadowed by other medieval military victories, but...

Calling on Gods of Thunder: the Crusaders and Lithuania’s pagan warriors

In the thirteenth century Lithuanians had to face an onslaught of Livonian and German crusaders, great military organizations whose raison d'etre was war...

Witchcraft, holy trees and Lithuania's last pagans

Lithuanians, the last pagans of Europe, took their time to fully embrace Christianity in their daily lives and mixed it with older pagan rites. The...