Alexander Lukashenko

114 straipsnių

Julius Zubė

Current times in Eastern Europe can hardly be seen as a blessing. With the region more destabilized than ever, not only the economies of Ukraine, the Russian Federation and the surrounding countries suffer, but also the image of Eastern Europe has been in downfall lately. However, for someone these ...

Ramūnas Bogdanas

The European Union launched its Eastern Partnership programme in 2009, soon after Russia's 2008 war on Georgia. It was proposed by Poland and Sweden, with enthusiastic support from Lithuania. Russia has ever since been blaming the programme for trying to undermine its interests in the countries Mosc...

Ramūnas Bogdanas

On 8 May, Lithuania is joining Europe in commemorating victory over Nazism. Russia celebrates its own Victory Day on 9 May. The Germans signed the instrument of surrender in Reims, France, on 7 May 1945. It was to come into effect at 11 PM on 8 May.


The Lithuania Tribune / EN.DELFI TV spoke to Dr. Laurynas Jonavičius, Lecturer at the Institute of International Relations and Political Science, Vilnius University. Belarussian president Mr. Lukashenko recently said that it was worrying that USA wasn’t involved directly in Minsk talks. What is Mr. ...

Lithuania has praised Belarus, saying its position on the Russian-Ukrainian conflict is "very positive" as well as Minsk's decision not to join Moscow's sanctions against EU member states. Lithuanian Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Andrius Krivas expressed the position after his visit to Minsk.

Grigory Ioffe | Eurasia Daily Monitor

It is tempting to slip into a spiral of sensationalism when describing the concurrent trends in Belarus’s foreign relations and national aspirations, even though—if history is any guide—these trends may be reversed as abruptly as they started. So far, however, tensions have been on the rise along Be...


Western sanctions and falling oil prices continue to strain the Russian economy. The impacts of this crisis are being felt across the former Soviet periphery, with neighbouring Belarus experiencing particularly acute spillover effects.