Agnia Grigas

18 straipsnių

Agnia Grigas

With the Russian 9th of May celebrations of Soviet victory in World War Two approaching, many in the Baltic States are concerned about the potential risk of provocations or confrontation stemming from the more radical and disgruntled elements of the local Russian minority. Moreover, since Russia lau...

Agnia Grigas and Seth Freeman

It would be hard to imagine Athenian generals worrying about the reporting of Spartan news or even, twenty-four centuries later, Douglas MacArthur caring much about media broadcasts from the land of the rising sun. But when General Philip Breedlove, the Supreme Commander of NATO, recently called on ...

Ugnė Karaliūnaitė

Antradienį, gruodžio 30 d. Prezidentūroje rinkosi labiausiai Lietuvai pasaulio mastu nusipelnę tautiečiai, kuriuos gyvenimas nubloškė į svečias šalis, bei asmenys, kurie padeda Lietuvos vardui skambėti teigiamame kontekste visame pasaulyje.

Agnia Grigas

The Russian state's control of Russian media is well known and thus, it is not surprising that the Russian media had often been used as Moscow’s tool abroad. The prevalence of the Russian language and the sizeable Russian minorities in Estonia and Latvia facilitate receptiveness to Russian language ...

Agnia Grigas

Russia has consistently applied its own interpretation of history and dose of propaganda vis-à-vis the Baltic states. In the 1990s and most of the 2000s, the main source of tension in the propaganda sphere was the interpretation of Soviet history, in particular Soviet occupation of the Baltic states...

Trečiadienį pasibaigė dvi savaites trukęs skaitytojų balsavimas už „Pasaulio Lietuvį 2014“, mūsų šalį pasaulyje garsinantį tautietį. Daugiau nei tūkstantis balsų pasiskirstė tarp nominuotųjų dirigentės Mirgos Gražinytės- Tylos, gourmet tinklaraštininkės Aistės Misevičiūtės, elektroninės muz...

Agnia Grigas

The launch of Lithuania’s new LNG Terminal Independence in Klaipėda is cause for celebration as a victory over Russian gas dominance. as well as neighbouring Latvia and Estonia. However, another Lithuanian energy sector dilemma remains unresolved despite efforts of the European Commission and Vilniu...

Agnia Grigas

Since Russian military incursions into Crimea and Eastern Ukraine to protect Russian “compatriots”, Latvia’s and Lithuania’s Russian and Russian-speaking populations have been much discussed and cited as reasons for concern among the Baltic states and their allies.

Agnia Grigas

There is a long-held view that the Russian gas supply to Lithuania is unlikely to be cut-off because Lithuania serves as a gas transit state to the Russian territory of Kaliningrad. In other words, the same gas pipeline feeding Lithuania, also supplies the Russian enclave. According to this argument...