Affection towards animals served as a stimulus for meaningful activities

According to Justyna Paliczuk, the founder of Puppy Yoga, the studio in Vilnius, the puppy yoga trend, which originated in the West several decades ago, has been gaining popularity in Lithuania, with a growing number of people seeking to experience its benefits.

„The idea to establish Lithuania’s first puppy yoga studio originated several years ago. At first, I patiently waited for the puppy yoga concept to catch on in Lithuania. After a while, however, I realized that if I wanted the trend, which promotes a joy-sharing mindset, responsible pet ownership, and positive attitude, to become popular I should take the initiative myself,“ said Paliczuk.

The founder of Puppy Yoga added that one of the strongest impetuses for her was her own love for pets.

„I love pets, especially dogs, and have been involved in various corresponding activities such as dog breeding. Through my experience, I understand the significance of dog socialization,“ said Paliczuk.

Justyna Paliczuk

She emphasized that her Vilnius-based studio is the first in the country to offer puppy yoga classes.

„As far as we know, we are the first not only in Lithuania but also in the Baltics,“ noted Paliczuk.

However, in the beginning, the realization of the idea brought some challenges and the first steps were not as simple as it may seem, admitted Paliczuk.

„Despite initial skepticism, puppy yoga received lots of attention and became a sensation in Lithuania. As pioneers in the field, we aimed to raise awareness about the benefits of this practice for both puppies and participants. After a while, our initiative drew the attention of many dog lovers from all around the country,“ said Paliczuk.

Puppy Yoga

Significantly different from regular yoga classes

Yoga instructor Laura Gansiniauskaitė admitted that puppy yoga is very different from traditional practice and mentioned some peculiarities that everyone should know about.

„Firstly, practicing yoga with puppies requires a safe and secure environment. As pets can be unpredictable, we never know what they are up to. They may simply run around, climb on someone’s back, or lie down beside someone. Therefore, the movements and poses in puppy yoga are simpler and more straightforward than in traditional yoga classes,“ explained Gansiniauskaitė.

The yoga teacher also stressed the aspect of participants’ concentration and its impact on the specifics of puppy yoga practice.

„Due to the constant distraction caused by puppies, the focus of the participants in this yoga class is rather poor. Therefore, in the interest of people’s safety, we have to deviate from the traditional approach. Since it is difficult to concentrate, we omit breathing and meditation techniques, which are commonly used in yoga classes. We have to simplify and shorten all the sequences and opt for some ’fun yoga’ option,“ said Gansiniauskaitė.

Puppy Yoga

It is important to bear in mind that some people attend puppy yoga classes to derive all the benefits that it can offer, whereas others are solely interested in spending time with puppies. To conduct a class that caters to everyone’s needs, it is essential to take into account the preferences of all participants.

„It’s good that for some people such classes can serve as an introduction to yoga and promote their interest in traditional practices, mindfulness techniques, or any type of physical activity. Additionally, the interaction with puppies can stimulate the release of happiness hormones, reducing stress and anxiety, which is a significant advantage,“ said Gansiniauskaitė.

According to Gansiniauskaitė, puppy yoga provides the opportunity to understand that one should care not only about oneself but also about those around them.

The miracle cure for stress reduction

The benefits of traditional yoga are well-established and widely known. Puppy yoga also has plenty of advantages that are no less beneficial.

Paliczuk, the initiator of puppy yoga in Lithuania, is convinced that puppy yoga is a miracle cure for stress reduction.

„By the end of a class, participants feel as if floating in the air, they experience a surge of positivity and relaxation, and look extremely happy,“ she said.

Puppy Yoga

Furthermore, this practice can be advantageous not only for emotional well-being.

„There’s also an educational aspect. Participants can learn more about different dog breeds and responsible ownership. In case someone is considering buying a dog they are encouraged to contact only reputable breeders,“ said Paliczuk.

Paliczuk assured that her studio is open to cat lovers as well. She emphasized that practicing kitten yoga can offer a particularly beneficial experience.

„It combines the relaxation techniques of yoga with the joyful presence of kittens. Kittens add an element of calmness to the yoga experience, potentially helping participants to focus on exercises and postures more effectively,“ explained Paliczuk.

A win-win situation

Puppy yoga creates a joyful and soothing environment for people. However, its advantages are not limited to those that are beneficial for humans.

„Puppy yoga acts as a socialization opportunity for our four-legged friends. As they roam around they learn to adapt to new environments, unfamiliar faces, and unusual scents. The classes are designed with puppy safety and wellness in mind. We aim to ensure that our puppies are genuinely enjoying the experience. Furthermore, during classes, pups learn to adapt to different situations and feel more prepared for their journey to their final home. Hence, it is a splendid place for them to safely get acquainted with the world,“ said Paliczuk.

Puppy Yoga

Paliczuk believes that puppy yoga classes are little celebrations open for every single dog.

„Our puppies come not only from certified breeders but also from shelters. Of course, all of them are vaccinated. There are no restrictions regarding the breeds. The size of classes is adjusted to ensure a safe and convenient space for our four-legged friends,“ said Paliczuk.

Paliczuk emphasized two more important aspects. Firstly, the classes with dogs from shelters serve not only socialization purposes but also promote pet adoption. Secondly, the received payments are sent directly to the shelter support fund.

„Therefore we are grateful to all the participants as apart from expressing their affection towards pets they also provide financial support for shelters,“ noted Paliczuk.

Our four-legged friends are our affectionate companions whose mere presence is what relieves the symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression. The social bond they bring has an enormous positive impact on our emotional well-being. Therefore, we should not forget that dogs also need our love and proper attention.

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