"We will distribute 2.751 million euros over the first half and we will set the coefficient for one voter's vote in the first half of 2021 at 0.59 euro," Laura Matjosaityte, chair of the CEC, told BNS.

The ruling conservative Homeland Union – Lithuanian Christian Democrats is set to received the biggest share of funding from the state budget – over 518,000 euros.

The opposition Social Democratic Party of Lithuania will receive over 399,000 euros. The Liberal Movement, part of the ruling block, is set to get more than 239,000 euros. The opposition Labor Party is set to be paid more than 226,000 euros, and the Freedom Party, part of the ruling coalition, will get more than 149,000 euros.

The Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania – Christian Families Alliance, which failed to cross the election threshold during the last Seimas election, but has several representatives elected in single-member constituencies, will ger more than 147,000 euros.

The Social Democratic Labor Party of Lithuania will be paid almost 99,000 euros, and the Freedom and Justice Party will receive more than 81,000 euros.

The Center Party-Nationalists will be paid more than 77,000 euros.

State budget appropriations are allocated to political parties depending on the results of the last elections to the Seimas, municipal councils, the European Parliament. Payments are maid to parties that received at least 2 percent of the total number of votes.

State budget appropriations are paid twice a year – by April 15 and by November 15.