Sunku patikėti, kad nuotrauka, kuria Sophie pasidalino savo „Instagram" profilyje, nėra tik „Photoshop" montažas. Keturių vaikų motina paviešino nuotrauką, kurioje ji vilki tik apatiniais, prabėgus vos kelioms dienoms po to, kai pagimdė nuostabias dvynukes Evie ir Aria.

Sophie Guidolin prisipažino, kad nori visam pasauliui parodyti, jog sportuojančios moetrys daug greičiau atgauna tobulas kūno linijas, o intensyvus fizinis krūvis nėštumo metu visai nekenkia būsimoms atžaloms. „Aš nemanau, kad mano kelias yra teisingas, o tos mamytės, kurios nesirūpina savo kilogramais, yra blogesnės... Tiesiog noriu visoms moterims parodyti, kad net ir po Cezario pjūvio, kurio visos taip baiminasi, susilaukus dvynukių, galima puikiai atrodyti ir jaustis. Tikiuosi, kad mano pavyzdys daugelį įkvėps", sakė 26 metų jauna mamytė.

Sophie puikiai sekasi rinkti gerbėjų armiją „Instagram" puslapyje, šiuo metu jų jau 28 tūkstančiai. Daugelis jų akylai sekė moters nėštumą ir nuotraukas, kur net 33 savaičių jos nėštumas buvo vos vos matomas. Daugelis į fitneso trenerę atkreipė dėmesį po jos viešo apsisakymo, kad iki 34 nėštumo savaitės ji labai intensyviai sportavo ir... kilnojo milžiniškus svorius. Šiandien jos gerbėjai džiūgauja, kad mergaitės gimė sveikos, o Sophie Guidolin ir vėl demonstruoja tobulas linijas. Atrodo, kad nėštumo lyg nebuvę...

The start of my twin pregnancy vs now- just weeks from the end 🙏🏻👶🏻👶🏻 It's amazing how much the human body changes and adapts to create a new life. 🌷 I have been getting quite a few emails and enquiries about how I plan on getting my 'body back' after having these twins. The twins aren't my first children- I have two sons- and my body suffered majorly with their pregnancies- my first I gained 28 kilos ( a far sight from the recommended 12kgs! 😳) it resulted in gestational diabetes, and a 10p 2oz baby- BUT I had a healthy beautiful baby. Yep, I was covered in stretchmarks, barely had enough energy to keep up with a newborn and BAM I was 4 months pregnant 😳😩 I tried to stay active with ryders pregnancy and he was 9p8oz- a much better experience but two babies within a year certainly took its toll on my body. BUT again- the end result of pregnancy out weights any of the negatives 🙏🏻 (I am currently repeating this over and over at the moment 😂) so far this pregnancy I have gained 17 kilos, but obviously a lot of that is baby/fluid/placenta- so after I have the twins I will give you an update post babies. In regards to the questions above, I don't have a plan of what or when, other than I plan on bonding with not one but TWO newborns, learning all about their likes, dislikes and individual unique selves until I feel my body, sleep- and routine is 110% ready to focus on myself again. This pregnancy has been so different to the boys pregnancies, besides being twins and I put that down to my exercise and healthy lifestyle. My body is now carrying around 10lb of baby alone, so considering, it is doing really well. 🙏🏻 I am super passionate about the benefits of Health, nutrition and exercise for everyone/ not just in pregnancy but for overall health everyday. #twinpregnancy #sophieguidolin

A photo posted by SOPHIE GUIDOLIN (@sophie_guidolin) on